Media awareness, think about it

Media awareness, think about it

So you have a brand. You know that you need tools and marketing efforts to spread the word about your brand’s amazing solutions.

One could think that words only suffice to have it appear on consumers’ radars. Yes and no. Let’s quickly dive into the import.

So you have a brand. You know that you need tools and marketing efforts to spread the word about your brand’s amazing solutions. One could think that words only suffice to have it appear on consumers’ radars. Yes and no. Let’s quickly dive into the importance of owned and paid media and into other media that (in)directly refer to your brand. Being aware of their existence and use, might help boost the attention your brand is looking for.

Owned media

The most obvious step in the whole marketing machinery is to launch certain media yourself and use them as a means to spread the word about your solutions. Your brand could be introduced with a website, a blog or social media like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and many other online media. These are the first locations you want consumers to visit. Combined with the right wording and tagging, you are well on your way to what is called search engine optimization (SEO).

Paid media

Regardless of those efforts, they may not immediately generate a lot of traffic. Paid media on the other hand help to give your brand instant attention. Invest in advertising services like Adwords or Bing Ads or in advertising options  offered by social media like FacebookLinkedIn or Twitter. They will reach your target audience and will generate extra traffic to your website.

(In)direct media references

Every brand wants to be mentioned or referred to, somewhere, somehow. Be it on social media, the radio, television, your local newspaper. The more attention it gets, the more people’s curiosity will be teased. Look at Pokemon Go for instance. In no time it skyrocketed to unseen attention waves. Thanks to Niantic’s website? No, thanks to the attention various media spent to the brand.

Feed your media with enough content so that people will start sharing. Make sure you blog about your field of expertise and have your expert status confirmed via various media references, a strong readership, a community.

Media attention measured

Mapping the media attention given to your brand, really gives powerful insights into how, when and why your brand is referenced to (or not). They help you redefine your strategies or confirm the current course. At Auxipress, our media intelligence services do exactly that. Contact us if you want your media coverage to be measured today.

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