Bouwen aan een kractig merk

Een niet te kloppen combinatie: onze uitmuntende tracking tools, aangevuld met gepersonaliseerd advies op maat van de Auxipress-medewerkers. Deze service leveren we op maat van elk bedrijf en elk merk. Een beproefde succesformule, en een basis voor de groei en ontwikkeling van honderden grote en kleine ondernemingen.

Totaalpakket en toepassingen op maat

Elk sterk merk moet waakzaam zijn over 4 cruciale aspecten: beschermen, beslissen, groeien en inspireren. Voor elk van die vier aspecten selecteren en kwalificeren we gerichte informatie, die we onderbouwen met analyses en gemotiveerde aanbevelingen. Ontdek onze services op maat:

We combine the best of tech with the intelligence and expertise of our teams.

  • Surrounded by bold people

  • A complete media coverage solution

  • We give meaning to data

  • At the cutting edge of technology

  • Inspired by experience

  • A one-stop shop to assist you.

Surrounded by bold people

Our team of experts and their unique know-how help you make strategic decisions to make your brand your best business asset.

A complete media coverage solution

Active in the field since 1919, we know our business inside out. For you, we cover all traditional and online media in Belgium and in more than 147 countries. Our eyes are everywhere so that nothing escapes your attention. Make your brand evolve.

We give meaning to data

Based on data, facts and figures, we feed your communication and marketing strategy and help you make informed decisions.

At the cutting edge of technology

We take advantage of all the most powerful technological tools (AI, API automation, image recognition...) to efficiently bring real added value to your brand.

Inspired by experience

For over 100 years, we've been providing you with useful, actionable information. Starting in 2007, we went all-digital and have been providing you with brand and market analysis and insights for 10 years. Simplify your life, influence the world around you with Auxipress.

A one-stop shop to assist you.

Excelling in quality, delighting our customers, loving our work... Our team is overflowing with dedication. Our quadrilingual experts make it a point to answer all your questions, as efficiently and quickly as possible. Challenge after challenge, we work with you to build and strengthen your brand.

Service sur mesure pour chaque entreprise. Une solution de couverture médiatique complète. Protéger. Détecter les risques et les transformer en opportunités. Décider. Prendre des décisions éclairées et transmettre la bonne information au bon moment. Progresser. Mesurer l’impact de ses campagnes et optimiser ses actions futures. Inspirer. Se nourrir des tendances, des influenceurs et de la connaissance de ses publics.

Complement your knowledge with our data analysis

We offer you an unparalleled overview of what is creating today's social and media agenda and attracting tomorrow's attention. Measure the performance of your activities at every stage of the funnel and strengthen your reputation.

The Auxipress difference

Sebastien Schalenbourg

“Our commercial team consists of experts mastering their market and the challenges that communication & marketing professionals are facing. Speaking fluently 4 languages, they are the architects of solutions that will evolve with you and your brand.”



Virginie Gallois

“Our analysts are experts in the classification and interpretation of data & media trends. Their knowledge of the sector and of your brands combined with the latest technologies results in impactful indicators and a clear view of your brand’s performances.”



Dimitri Vanden Eynde

"Our team consists of readers and editors, working to deliver the key information at the right time. At Auxipress, the human intelligence enhances the artificial intelligence. This results in solutions that are tailored to the company’s corporate culture and that give a 360-degree view on your brand in the media and on social media.”


Vanden Eynde

Thierry Cornez

“Thanks to media intelligence and visionary marketing fueled by AI and delivered with human ingenuity, we help marketing & communication leaders take the right decisions and elaborate their future strategies. Our team has an unmatched experience of its market which is a real added-value for our customers.”



Arnaud Steinkuhler

“Auxipress helps brand develop relevant relationships with their audiences.We have the unique capability of supporting them in identifying societal trends, the role of the media and the concerns of their core audience. With the perfect blend of expertise, data and technology, brands gain crucial insights that help them achieve their best business potential (or visibility).”



Klaas van Hove

“The barriers between the different media (such as television, radio and internet) are falling and this allows for a real information enrichment. Multimedia content, although a challenge for communication professionals, are one of the many ways to reach the targeted audience. Auxipress’ strength is to capture this information and process it quickly thanks to its cutting-edge technology.”


Van Hove

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