Categorised press review

Start every day with the information you need

Keep track of all the information published about your brand?

  • Sort out the useful and relevant information
  • Maintain a global overview of your media visibility for yourself and your colleagues
  • Stay in complete control of your media presence

Discover the categorized and multimedia press review!

  • Your press review is organized by the categories and challenges of your brand.
  • It includes content from various media such as the written & online press, radio, television and even social media.
  • Your press review can also include international content.

Enlighten your decisions and those of your colleagues with qualified information!

  • Ask for your tailor-made press review, categorizing the information that you need and facilitating your colleagues’ access to strategic news.
  • Don’t miss out on any important news. From a CEO’s interview, a tweet posted by an expert, a TV report on your industry, an important competitor announcement on Facebook, to an innovation reported in the international press.
  • Spread the essential information within your company thanks to a customizable press review.