Access Management System – Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

What is the publishers’ intent?

Publishers aim to ensure that access to licensed press content is strictly reserved for identifiable and authorized users. This new system is mandatory for all market participants and must be implemented by February 28, 2025.

The system applies to the entire market and all end-users of press reviews or licensed press articles made available.

Publishers aim to prevent the redistribution of press content without the ability to identify the end-users. To achieve this, the download functionality for articles will be disabled, and access will only be granted via secure links.

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Do copyright rules change?

No, the usage conditions remain the same as those you currently practice. These rules are outlined in our general terms of sale, presented at the signing of our service contracts, and reiterated on each of your invoices.

Copyright distinctions:

  • Primary rights: These allow initial access to content by three authorized users by default. These rights are included in the Auxipress rates.
  • Secondary rights: These apply to any subsequent sharing or provision of content and require a prior license from Copiepresse or License2Publish (e.g., if you redistribute this content within your organization).

If more than three people access your press reviews and you have not declared these additional users to Copiepresse or License2Publish, please regularize your situation with these organizations.

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What changes as of February 28, 2025?

To prevent redistribution of press content without identifying end-users, publishers are enforcing the deactivation of article downloads and requiring authenticated access via a secure link.

A secure access system for content will be implemented by all market participants.

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What should you do if you regularly share press reviews within your organization?

Verify the number of users who have access to the press content provided.

If more than three people have access to the press content:

  • Primary rights (for up to three users) are included in Auxipress rates.
  • Secondary rights (for any additional sharing or provision) require a prior license from Copiepresse or License2Publish.

If more than three people access your press reviews and you have not yet declared these additional users to Copiepresse or License2Publish, please regularize your situation with these organizations.

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What happens the first time you access press content after secure access is activated?

During a transition phase*, all users of press content will need to create an account to access licensed content.

Steps to follow:

  1. Open your press review as usual and click on the link to access the article in PDF format.
  2. A screen will appear prompting you to create an account. Use the email address you receive your content on.
  3. Set a password by following the confirmation link sent to your email.
  4. Once logged in, you can access all protected content linked to your account without re-identifying yourself.
  5. For subsequent logins, you will be automatically recognized unless you do not access any content for more than 30 days.

*At the end of the transition phase, if you need to provide access to an additional user, you will need to obtain prior usage rights from Copiepresse or License2Publish.

Once the licenses are signed, these organizations will inform Auxipress to add the authorized users.

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Which services can you access once your account is created?

You will have secure, simplified access to all your content through a single login, regardless of the service used: Press Review, Universal Insights, or UniQ.

Depending on the services activated in your contract and your user rights, you can access all services with a single username and password.

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How long are articles and press reviews available?

Articles and PDFs are accessible for one year from the time they are made available. After this period, they will no longer be accessible.

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Access & Use

How can I access my content?

During your first login after the activation of the secure access system for press content, you will need to:

  1. Option 1: You do not have an existing account linked to any of our service platforms (UniQ or Universal Insights).
    a. Create an account.
    b. Set a password.
  2. Option 2: You have an existing and active account linked to one of our service platforms.
    a. Reset your password.
    b. Set a new password.

After completing the above steps, you can directly access your content via the links received in your email or through our service platforms.

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What should I do if I cannot access my content?

  1. Verify that you are using the correct email address.
  2. If necessary, use the “Forgot Password” option to reset your password.
  3. If the problem persists, contact our Customer Care team.

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Can I add or remove users who have access to content?

If you need to provide access to press content to an additional user, you will first need to obtain usage rights from Copiepresse or License2Publish.

Once the license is obtained, Auxipress will add the additional authorized users. Please contact our Customer Care team at [email protected].

If you wish to remove or modify a user, please contact our Customer Care team directly, and they will assist you.

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How many people can access a press review?

By default, each order can be accessed by up to three authorized users. This right is already included in the Auxipress rates.

If additional users require access, you must first obtain usage rights from Copiepresse or License2Publish. After the license is obtained, Auxipress will add the additional authorized users. For assistance, contact [email protected].

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Can I share an article with my colleagues?

Yes, as long as your colleagues are included in the list of users for whom your company has obtained licenses and created accounts in our system. In this case, you can forward your press review or share a link to the content with them.

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Security & Compliance

Why is a unique identifier required to access content?

This ensures that only identifiable and authorized users can access licensed content, in accordance with the rights holders’ requirements.

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What happens if someone attempts to access content without authorization?

The user will see a message prompting them to log in. If access is denied after identification, it means they do not have the necessary rights.

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Specific Scenarios

I receive my content via email in the form of a link. What should I do?

Option 1: You are not a user of UniQ or Universal Insights.
During a transition phase*, all users of press content will need to create an account to access licensed content.

Steps to follow:

  1. Open your press review as usual and click on the link to access the article in PDF format.
  2. A screen will appear prompting you to create an account. Use the email address you receive your content with to create the account.
  3. Follow the steps to set up your password, including clicking on the confirmation link sent to you by email.
  4. Once logged in, you can access all protected content linked to your account without needing to log in again.
  5. If you have logged in before, the system will log you in again automatically the next time. If you do not log in for 30 days or longer, you will be required to log back in.

*After the transition phase, if you need to grant access to an additional user, you will need to obtain usage rights from Copiepresse or License2Publish. Once the licenses are in place, these organizations will inform Auxipress, and additional users can be added.

Option 2: You are a user of UniQ or Universal Insights.
If you already have an active account linked to one of our platforms:

  1. Reset your password.
  2. Set up a new password.
    You will then be redirected directly to your content through the links in your email or the platform itself.

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I am accessing content via UniQ. What should I know?

When you access a protected article for the first time, an identification window will appear to validate your access.

If you already have an active account for one of our platforms, follow these steps using your usual email address:

  1. Click on “Reset Password.”
  2. Set a new password via the link sent to you by email.

Once logged in, you will have direct access to all content available under your account.

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I am accessing content via Universal Insights. What should I know?

When you access a protected article from Universal Insights, logging in with your platform credentials will automatically validate your access to the content, based on the administrative rights granted to you by your organization.

If you are already logged in to the platform, no additional credentials will be required, and you can directly access all content available under your user profile. This seamless integration ensures a smooth and secure experience, managed by your organization’s internal administration.

If you encounter access issues, please contact your internal administrator or our Customer Care team.

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I am a new client. How do I get my credentials?

After subscribing to our service, you will receive an email with instructions on how to create your account and set up a password. Follow the provided steps to start using our services.

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We are a public relations agency. How do we manage access to press review orders?

Each press review order includes access for three authorized users. If additional access is required, you must first obtain usage rights from Copiepresse or License2Publish.

Once the license is obtained, Auxipress will add the additional authorized users. Please contact our Customer Care team at [email protected].

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