Auxipress Client Day 2024: A Day of Insights, Collaboration, and Innovation

Auxipress Client Day 2024: A Day of Insights, Collaboration, and Innovation

Thank you for joining us on the 10th of October for our Client Day!

We want to extend a big thank you to everyone who joined us for our Auxipress Client Day 2024! It was a fantastic edition, filled with insightful discussions, hands-on workshops, and valuable networking opportunities. For us, Client Day is all about giving back: It’s our way of saying thank you to our customers by creating a space where they can meet our teams, offer their input, and witness how their feedback helps us shape future innovations. We hope you returned home with fresh ideas and actionable takeaways that will benefit you and your brand moving forward. 

A Day of Insights and Sharing

Panel discussion 

We started the day with breakfast and four inspiring panelists: Katrien Kiekens from Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer, Cristelle Noirhomme representing GSK, Junior Malela from Colruyt Group and Stéphane Kinable for Proximus. They showcased the wide range of Media Intelligence applications, sharing practical tips on how businesses can maximize the value of all the data available to us.


After the panel discussion and the Q&A session, we organized 4 different workshops, in French and in Dutch:  

  • Protect: The Client Experience Team demonstrated the range of automatic alerts that can be set up on the Universal Insights platform  
  • Decide: Hugo Laporte (Editorial Content Coordinator) & Thierry Cornez (COO) introduced our new Market Intelligence reports  
  • Progress: Axel Van Nijverseel (Senior Media & Data Analyst) & Virginie Gallois (Analyses Operations Manager) presented our BRAND health methodology
  • Inspire: The Client Experience Team presented an inspiring case of influencer detection and competitive intelligence, demonstrating how to stand out by understanding audiences, trends and competitors 


Networking lunch 

During lunch, our offices were abuzz with participants exchanging ideas and experiences, reflecting on lessons learned and planning future campaigns. It was delightful to see the Auxipress community magic at work and witness its energy over a buffet of sandwiches and wraps. 

The Value of a Client Day

The benefits of hosting a Client Day go well beyond the value it offers clients. There is something deeply transformative about bringing your clients and team together for a day of open dialogue, collaboration, and learning.

Organizing a Client Day allows us to re-examine our mission, share the best practices across teams, foster unity and teamwork, evaluate our value proposition and showcase our team’s strengths. It serves as a gauge for our business, providing a clear picture of where our company stands, how our services resonate with our clients, and where there’s room for improvement. It’s also a chance to celebrate the achievements of our team and reflect on the value we’re delivering.

These events are filled with great moments, great teamwork, and a sense of accomplishment that lingers long after the day ends. It’s a powerful reminder of why we do what we do and why our clients continue to trust us. 

Follow Us for More! 

For anyone who wants to relive the event, or for anyone who could not attend, we compiled a short video with the highlights of the 2024 Client Day.

Don’t forget to follow us on LinkedIn for updates on future events, industry insights, and exclusive content. We have more exciting things in store, and we’d love for you to be a part of it! 

Thanks again for making our Client Day a success, and we look forward to seeing you next year! 

Élevons votre marque.
Travaillons ensemble.
