How do you juggle 130 stakeholders? The Complexity of Pharmaceutical Communication

How do you juggle 130 stakeholders? The Complexity of Pharmaceutical Communication

An Interview with David Gering, Communications Director at

We had the privilege of speaking with David Gering, Communications Director at David shared his insights on how his organization manages its reputation and maintains a constructive dialogue with various stakeholders, including the public, the press, healthcare professionals, and regulatory bodies. He elaborated on the pivotal role of media monitoring and social listening in shaping public opinion and driving informed decisions within the industry.

As a key driver of innovation, affordable healthcare, and employment in Belgium, the pharmaceutical industry faces the challenge of communicating on a myriad of complex issues. Effective communication is vital to navigate this landscape, and understanding the interplay between reputation management, crisis mitigation, media monitoring, social listening, and engaging with multiple stakeholders is crucial.

Key Takeaways from the Interview:

  • Reputation Management: Strategies to efficiently monitor the industry’s image in the public opinion.
  • Media Monitoring: The importance of staying updated with media trends to proactively address issues and opportunities.
  • Social Listening: Leveraging social media insights to understand and respond to public sentiment.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Effective communication tactics for measuring tone of voice, and engaging diverse groups and maintaining a positive dialogue with all involved.

This interview provides valuable lessons for pharmaceutical companies looking to strengthen their communication strategies and foster trust with their audiences. Don’t miss out on David’s expert advice on how to navigate the complexities of the ever-changing media landscape.

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