In the digital era, we increasingly hear new generic terms that are not only incomprehensible to a novice but also do not have a real equivalent in French. One can quickly mention expressions such as big data*, media monitoring*, brand intelligence, etc. Today, we will take the time to define and explain what media intelligence is, and more importantly, explain the benefits that you could get from it.
How to define media intelligence?
Media intelligence, also known as ‘media monitoring‘, is a system that allows for continuous surveillance of what is being said about your brand. It analyzes data to try to understand the phenomena of media coverage, reputation, image, brand power, and of impact on media and the audience. This system consists in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting media data such as press articles, social media posts, television, and radio broadcasts, so as to understand public opinion market trends, and consumer behavior.
Therefore, media intelligence is closely linked to social media intelligence, which goes further in analyzing the web by also surveying social networks. It is generally used to analyze consumer public discussions about a product or a brand, as well as other discussions related to competition.
However, contrary to what one might think, media intelligence differs from business intelligence. Media intelligence relies on external data sources from the company, such as social networks, comments, articles, etc. While business intelligence will instead rely on internal company data sources, such as productivity, sales figures, stock levels, etc.
The benefits of media intelligence
Auxipress enables you to manage what is said about your brand, including the opinions of potential customers and detractors. But what should you do with this information? First, understanding your customers and their impressions will help you to better target your communication and adapt your messages according to customer prospects’ needs. Did you realize that a greater part of online content links your brand to attractive prices? Therefore, we recommend that you seize this opportunity and direct your communication toward highlighting your prices!
Then , there is the possibility of managing e-reputation, and this, almost in real-time. Thanks to daily monitoring, brands can now react directly in case of criticism or dissatisfied customers. Whether as a prevention tool or crisis management, it becomes increasingly inconceivable to do without it. The more different chanels you have, to monitor what is being said about your brand, the better you can understand your position in the market. It is also possible to evaluate the impact of a campaign without delay, so that you can optimize it if the objectives are not met or limit the damage by directly stopping it.
On top of that, media intelligence can allow you to discover and seize new marketing opportunities and other aspects of your brand to improve it continuously. In 2023, it is crucial to stand out from your competitors as more and more new brands are created each year.
Is Media Intelligence a necessity?
It is well known that a brand takes years to build a reputation, but unfortunately, a few hours can be enough to destroy it, whether due to a digital backlash, a communication problem, or any other reason sometimes completely unrelated to the brand itself. That is why, in this digital era where information circulates faster than ever, it is essential to use and take advantage of media intelligence.
Glossary :
* The concept of big data became popular in 2012 to describe the fact that companies are facing increasingly large volumes of data to process which represents significant commercial and marketing challenges.
* Media monitoring is a permanent media surveillance system. In a marketing context, it is usually used to monitor and analyze mentions and articles regarding the company and its brands or products. Indeed, thanks to this tool, mentions and articles related to competing companies and brands can be monitored as well.