Unlock the potential of your brand.

Feed yourself with trends, influencers and knowledge of your audience.

Even the most innovative specialists sometimes hit a wall when it comes to creating content. We help you identify relevant influencers, know your audiences and the content that resonates with them.

Identifier les influenceurs qui permettent d'atteindre mon audience, mesurer les retombées de mes actions d'influence, micro ou macro influenceurs,

Influencer detection

Identify the influencers who will contribute to your brand's influence

Increase brand awareness and consideration by leveraging influencers in your community.

Track your campaigns and the specific role of your influencers.

Select your micro-influencers and discover their unique relationship with their audiences.

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comprendre ses publics pour leur adresser un message adapté, identifier les tonalités, le vocabulaire, les valeurs, l'humour de mon audience, segmenter mon public cible de manière efficace, répondre aux besoin de mes clients

Audience Insights

Understand your audiences’ needs to adapt and target your messages with more focus.

Understand the sensitivities of your audience.

Benefit from the segmentation of your audience and the creation of your personas.

Discover the most relevant media channels to get your messages out.

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quels sont les sujets qui intéressent mon audience, à quel type de contenu mon audience est la plus réactive, visuels attrayants, sélectionner des sujets pertinents pour engager son public cible, observer ce que mon audience publie et partage sur ses réseaux, intégrer les discussions, créer de la conversation, adopter un community management efficace, susciter l'intérêt et attirer l'attention de vos audiences

Content marketing

Discover the topics, visuals, and content that will resonate with your audiences.

Engage your target audiences by identifying and selecting the most relevant topics.

Develop your creativity by observing what your audiences are posting and sharing.

Share relevant content to engage and attract the attention of your audiences.

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observer les bonnes pratiques de la concurrence pour les reproduire, s'inspirer du succès des autres acteurs de mon marché, comprendre les échecs des autres acteurs, comment détecter les informations stratégiques sur les actions des concurrents, Explorez les tendances de votre marché

Competitive Intelligence (CI)

Analyze your competitors' practices to ensure your continued success

Increase your share of voice by learning from your competitors' successes and failures.

Detect strategic information on competitors' operations (new product, strategy, recruitments...)

Explore trends in your market.

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qui sont nos partenaires, comment s'entourer de bons partenaires, gérer ses stakeholders, parties prenantes

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