Protect your brand.

Detect risks and turn them into opportunities.

To protect your brand, you need to manage it systematically. We help you anticipate crises, monitor your brand, control innovations in your industry and detect potential risks in your supply chain.

détecter les crises, les sujets sensibles, être alerté en temps réel des menaces pour ma marques, réagir rapidement aux crises potentielles,

Crisis detection

Be alerted when any sensitive or risky topics arise for your brand.

Your insurance! Stay informed of any sensitive subjects.

Cover all mediums; social networks, web press, print media, radio, TV, blogs, forums...

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comparer ma marque aux concurrents, s'inspirer des bonnes pratiques des autres acteurs du marché, identifier les opportunités de communication, comparer les indicateurs de performance à ceux des concurrents,

Brand monitoring

Control your visibility and reputation in the media and on social networks

A daily follow-up of your brand and your subjects by our teams.

A complete panel of sources adapted to your needs.

Real-time alerts and a 24/7 accessible platform.

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Quelles innovations viennent chambouler mon secteur d'activité, tirer avantage des évolutions disruptives, quels changements stratégiques ont fait mes concurrents, s'inspirer des bonnes décisions des autres acteurs du marché, nouvelles technologies innovantes

Disruptive innovations

Take advantage of transformations in your industry.

Relevant information on strategic changes in your competition

Details on new technologies used

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comment détecter les risques liés à ses partenaires et ses fournisseurs, surveiller ses parties prenantes, travailler avec les meilleurs acteurs de mon secteur, comment être sur que mes partenaires partagent mes valeurs, surveiller leur réputation

Supply chain risk

Detect risks related to your partners and suppliers

Your guarantee of working with the right suppliers

Check their reputation, follow the news and detect potentially troublesome situations (strikes, incidents, resignations, lawsuits).

Make sure your partners respect your company's values, such as fair business practices, privacy, social responsibility...

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Our use cases
qui sont nos partenaires, comment s'entourer de bons partenaires, gérer ses stakeholders, parties prenantes

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Raise your brand.
Let's work together.

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