How Business Intelligence Improves Decision-Making
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How Business Intelligence Improves Decision-Making

By Joris De Brucker

For companies of any size to stay in business, they need to make well-informed decisions quickly and efficiently. Business intelligence (BI) helps businesses achieve this by providing actionable insights derived from data analysis. But what exactly is business intelligence, and how can Belgian companies leverage it for better decision-making? Let’s explore.
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The Auxipress perspective on AI (Auxipress Intelligence)
All Articles Digital Media Intelligence

The Auxipress perspective on AI (Auxipress Intelligence)

Thierry Cornez

At Auxipress, our mission is to remain hyper-vigilant in the ever-changing media landscape, watching, listening, and analyzing information streams 24/7.
The 5 golden rules for a successful marketing strategy
Digital Marketing and communication Media Intelligence

The 5 golden rules for a successful marketing strategy

Julien Robert

For a brand to grow, it needs to be supported by an adapted and efficient marketing strategy.
What is media monitoring ?
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What is media monitoring ?

Julien Robert

Media monitoring is an essential practice for companies that want to monitor their online presence, track their reputation, and stay up to date with the latest industry trends.
Black Friday: Overconsumption or golden opportunity?!
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Black Friday: Overconsumption or golden opportunity?!

Julien Robert

Black Friday takes place every year on the last Friday of November, just after Thanksgiving. On this occasion, the big brands as well as the smaller ones take the opportunity to boost their sales.
Gaming in the eye of the media
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Gaming in the eye of the media

Baptiste Collard

Gaming and esports remain popular themes in Belgium despite a small decrease in media visibility !
Radio, the media without limits
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Radio, the media without limits

Julien Robert

According to a survey carried out by the CSA (“Conseil Supérieur de l'Audiovisuel” in French), 99% of Belgians own a device that allows them to listen to the radio. For most listeners, the radio is still a trusted media in 2022, and its technology has continued to evolve over the years. How does the radio still manage to reinvent itself? How does it adapt to listeners who have become more demanding and unpredictable in their listening habits?
Five Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy
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Five Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy

Julien Robert

Over the years, content marketing has evolved significantly to become an essential part of marketing strategies for businesses and organizations of all sizes. Shrewd content marketers have been able to understand that they must be creative, vibrant in their content production, and keen in their marketing strategies.
How to manage your brand’s e-reputation ?
Digital Social media

How to manage your brand’s e-reputation ?

Julien Robert

We all know the importance of managing your brand’s e-reputation. Indeed, with over 4.2 billion active users worldwide, a well-thought reputation management plan will definitely not go amiss.